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Paul Simpson LMT

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What Is CranioSacral Therapy
What Is
CranioSacral Therapy
Benefits of
CranioSacral Therapy
History of
CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on approach used to improve the functioning of the Central Nervous System, in order to relieve Pain and Dysfunction and improve Whole-Body Health and Performance. 

The Craniosacral System is comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround, protect and nourish the brain and spinal cord. 

Cerebrospinal Fluid is the “Life-Blood” of the CranioSacral System and is pumped by the movement of the bones of the skull and sacrum, much like your heart pumps blood throughout your Cardiovascular System.

By evaluating and balancing the movement of the skull bones, the sacrum, and their connecting soft tissue, the function of the Craniosacral System is restored and enhanced.

Parts of the CranioSacral System
What to Expect during your CranioSacral Treatment

Before your CranioSacral Treatment begins, we discuss your personal needs and what you would like to focus on during your session. Your treatment will take place in a quiet, private room with the lighting low and relaxing music playing in the background. 
You lay down on the Body Cushion fully clothed and can choose to be covered with a flannel sheet for additional warmth and comfort.  The Touch in CranioSacral Therapy is very Subtle, using only the Weight of a Nickel to Evaluate the CranioSacral System by Gently Palpating various locations of the body to Test the Symmetry, Quality, Amplitude and Rhythm of the Cerebrospinal Fluid Pulsing around the Brain and Spinal Cord.
Restrictions to the Flow of Cerebral Spinal Fluid and CranioSacral Motion can create a Barrier to the Healthy Performance of the Central Nervous System, and any other System of the Body that the Nervous System Controls, Leading to Dysfunction and Disease.  
By Releasing the Restrictions in the Bones and surrounding Soft Tissues of the Central Nervous System, CranioSacral Therapy is able to Alleviate many Ailments.  Often these Releases are difficult to Experience Directly, yet Manifest Indirectly as Deep Relaxation, a Long Exhale/Sigh of Relief, or a Feeling of Satisfaction/Contentment.  Sometimes there is a Movement of Limbs and Joints as the Unwinding of Tension Patterns Release throughout the Body. 
After your session we conclude by discussing our observations during the treatment.

References: |Upledger Institute| |American Cancer Society| |Wikipedia| |Andrew Weil MD|

Phone/Txt for Paul Simpson 708-788-1417Paul Simpson LMT Footeremail: